Looking to Sell?

Looking to Sell?

Get your free valuation now

Get your free valuation now
Vehicle Details

To give you a valuation, please start by providing us with your vehicle registration and mileage.

Contact Details
So that we can send you your valuation, please provide us with your contact details.


Sending your enquiry

Sell Your Vehicle to a Reputable Dealer

Considering selling your current vehicle quickly but unsure of what to expect? We can guide you through the process. Vehicle buying services often prove to be the fastest way to sell your Vehicle. Simply enter a few details online and they will offer you an estimated price for your vehicle. However, your valuation can change depending on the condition of your Vehicle. When you take your vehicle to the premises of a Vehicle buying service, your Vehicle will be inspected before the final price is agreed.

Step 1 - Your Vehicle Details

Enter your registration plate and we'll lookup your vehicle. Just confirm it's the right one and enter your mileage.

Step 2 - How To Be Contacted

Complete our easy form to enter your name contact details so we can provide your valuation.

Done! - Your Valuation

We'll provide you with your guide price valuation all subject to inspection and our usual terms ready to for us to buy.


Part Exchange

Can I use my part exchange as my deposit for my car purchase?

Yes, you can use your part exchange as all or part of your deposit towards your car purchase. However, if there is outstanding finance on your part exchange this will have to be settled by us as part of the transaction. Any amount left after settlement of your finance can be used towards your deposit.

What happens if my part exchange is worth more than the car I want to purchase?

If your car is valued more than the car you would like to purchase and there is no outstanding finance on it, we will happily give you back the difference. This would be paid to you after taking delivery of your new vehicle.

Is the valuation you give me for my part exchange guaranteed?

Yes, assuming you have described your part exchange accurately, answered all the questions correctly and read our terms and conditions regarding part exchange your value will be guaranteed.

Can I remove my part exchange from my order at any time?

Yes, you can remove your part exchange from your order at any time prior to your vehicle handover. You will though have to allow for any adjustment in your quotation if your part exchange was being used towards your deposit.

Can I part exchange two vehicles as part of my order?

Yes, if both the vehicles are owned by you, or you have the permission of the owner to use the vehicle as part of your order. Our sales team will be able to help you in this scenario