Ford Lease
Current Ford Lease Offers
How Ford Lease works
You can enter into a fixed term contract with Ford Lease for the commercial vehicle. You pay an advanced rental, followed by fixed monthly rentals and return the vehicle to Ford Lease at the end of the contract.
No fuss, no hassle and no vehicle disposal issues. Just hand the vehicle back and begin a new Agreement.
Your fixed monthly rental will depend upon the following:
- The advance rental amount
- Agreement length - choose between 24 to 60 months
- Your annual mileage
- The Ford commercial vehicle that you want to drive.
What does my agreement include?
- Free replacement vehicle for up to 48 hours in the event of a breakdown attended by the AA (if your vehicle can - not be repaired).
- Road Fund Licence for the duration of the Agreement.
- Vehicle breakdown cover for the UK and European travel.​
Will Ford Lease work for me and my business?
If you do not want to own your commercial vehicle, Ford Contract Hire could be the option for you.
VAT registered businesses may be able to reclaim all or part of the VAT element of the monthly rental.
Your rentals may be tax allowable.
I'm interested. What do I do next?
We can provide you with an instant quotation showing your advanced rental (typically 3 -9 months) and your monthly rental amount. For additional peace-of-mind, choose the optional service, maintenance and repair package.
When you choose this optional extra, your fixed monthly rental will include the following**
- Exhausts, batteries, annual MOT (where applicable)
- Maintenance and repairs
- Routine servicing
- Tyre repair and replacement (upgrades and winter tyres excluded)
(** Subject to fair wear and tear)
At the End
There are no Part Exchange or disposal issues. At the end of the Agreement, you simply return the vehicle to Ford Lease, take out a new Ford Lease Agreement and collect the latest model.
Business Users only. You will not own the vehicle at the end of the Agreement. Restrictions apply.
*** Further costs may apply subject to mileage and condition.
View the videos below to find out which finance product is right for you and to learn more about Ford Contract Hire from Ford Lease.